Canberra Industries
화합물 전처리·분석장비 > 분광분석장비 > 달리 분류되지 않는 분광분석장비
고순도 게르마늄 검출기를 기반으로 감마선 측정 및 분석하기 위한 시스템으로 환경시료, 식품시료 등 다양한 분석시료 내 감마선 방출핵종을 정량/정성 분석을 할 수 있는 시스템임
자연방사선/능에 대한 영향을 최소화 하기 위한 4인치 두께의 납 차폐체 내에 검출기가 설치되어 있으며, 액체질소 순환냉각방식으로 최대 2년동안 1회 액체질소 충전을 통해 24시간 검출기의 냉각이 가능함.
This system is HPGe based Gamma-ray spectroscopy system for the purpose of analysis of radioactivity in analysis of 131I, 134+137Cs in food samples.
I. Configurations of Goods
1. Main Body
1) High Purity Germanium(HPGe) Coaxial Detector 1 set
2) Electro-Mechanical Cooling Device 1 set
3) Digital Signal Analyzer 1 set
4) Lead Shield 1 set
5) Data Aquisition and Analysis Software 1 set
2. Standard Accessories
2) 1L Mixed Gamma Source 1 ea
3) Data Acquisition System 1 set
4) 1L Marinelli Beaker (New) 100 ea
5) UPS(무정전전원장치) 1 set
6) AVR(자동전압조정기) 1 set
7) Thermo-hygrostat(항온항습기) 1 set
II. Specification
1. Main Body
1) High Purity Germanium(HPGe) Coaxial Detector
① P-type Coaxial HPGe Detector
② Relative efficiency : ≥ 60 %
③ Effective energy range : 40 keV to 10 MeV or wider
④ Resolution(FWHM)
- ≤ 1.05 keV at 122 keV
- ≤ 2.0 keV at 1.33 MeV
⑤ Peak to Compton ratio : ≥ 66:1
⑥ Peak Shape(FWTM/FWHM) : ≤ 2.00
⑦ Endcap Diameter : ≤ 89 ㎜
⑧ Includes Preamplifier with high voltage inhibit, signal, power cables assembly
⑨ Use the internal or external device to display the detector setting parameters and detector status in real time
2) Electro-Mechanical Cooling Device
① Automatic electric cooling systems for the maintenance of HPGe
② LN2-Free Cooling Device
③ Low Power Operation (less than 250 W)
④ Noise : Less than 55 ㏈ at 1 meter
⑤ MTTF : > 3,000,000 hours
⑥ Check the status information (temperature, power consumption) of the cooling unit through data communication.
3) Digital Signal Analyzer
① Connectable detector type : HPGe or more
② Multichannel analyzers based on digital signal processing (DSP) technology
③ MCA Channel Range : 256 to 16,384 channels or wider
④ Maximum System Throughput : >100,000cps
⑤ Virtual Oscilloscope
⑥ Full computer control of every spectrometer function
⑦ Computer selectable resistive feedback
⑧ Fastest data transfer capability available with USB 2.0 or TCP/IP
⑨ Pulse Pile-Up Rejector : Automatically set threshold
⑩ Automatic Digital Pole-Zero Adjustment: automatically
⑪ Automatic sample changer controllable
4) Lead Shield
① 4 inch thick low-background lead
② Top opening lead shield
③ Outer jacker : more then 9.5 ㎜ thick low carbon steel
④ Bulk shield : 10 ㎝ thick low background lead
⑤ Graded lining to suppress lead X-ray : 0.5 ㎜ or thick tin and 1.6 ㎜ copper
⑥ 11“ diameter by 16“ depth, cylindrical shape
⑦ Includes Split Annular plug
⑧ Includes Detector Lift
5) Data Aquisition and Analysis Software
① Complete quantitative and qualitative analysis, integrated acquisition and analysis, fully independent support of multiple detector inputs, quality assurance, ability to read a variety of data file formats
② The software shall be based on the Windows 10 or latest version
③ Complete quantitative and qualitative analysis of spectra from HPGe detector
④ The software shall include the following analysis and spectral processing capabilities
- Library directed peak search
- User directed region of interest peak search and summation peak analysis
- Peak net area background subtraction
- Minimum detectable activity(low limit detection activity) should be calculated by Curie MDA or KTA MDA or equivalent algorithm
- Cascade summing correction
- Automatic operating mode, interactive peak fit for complex spectra, multiple deconvolution, interactive calibration
⑤ Each analysis algorithm shall be a single executable module. The modularity of the algorithms shall be evident in both the interactive and batch procedure operation
⑥ The software shall offer comprehensive to monitor the performance of the gamma spectroscopy system
2. Standard Accessories
1) 1L Mixed Gamma Source 1 ea
2) Data Acquisition System 1 set
① 24 inch LCD Monitor
② CPU : core I-5 or more
③ RAM : 8GB DDR3 or more
④ HDD : 1 TB
⑦ Color Laser Printer
3) 1L Marinelli Beaker (New) 100 ea
4) UPS 1 set