주식회사 드림
물리적 측정장비 > 표면특성측정장비 > 비표면적/공극도측정장비
- Principle : Nitrogen adsorption method- Function BET surface area measurement(Single and Multi-point method) Direct reference comparison Langmuir surface area measurement- Method : Dynamic Gas Flow method- Working gas : N2(adsorbate), He(Career) 99.99%- Nitrogen patial pressure : 0.05~0.35- Range : (0.01m2/g≤Surface area; no up limit)- Repeatability : ≤ ±2%- Measurement Time BET method for each sample < 25 min.(1point) Reference comparison method 8 min. Dimension : 500(W)350(D)590(H)- Weight(kg) : 32- Adsorption gas: high purity nitrogen. Ar, Kr, CO2, etc. available - Nitrogen partial pressure:P/Po5×10-7----0.995- Pressure Accuracy: ±0.15% - Measuring range: Surface area ≥ 0.01M2/g , above; Pore size 0.35 ~ 400 nm- Repeatability:≤ ±2 %- Test Efficiency:Multi-point BET surface area per sample: 10 ~ 15 minutes; Absorption and desorption isotherms measures pore size distribution: 3 ~ 5h; (Test efficiency exponential growth with the No of analysis stations) - Operation Mode: Automatic- Measuretime : BET method for each sample < 25min (1 point) Reference comparison method 8min- BET Dimension(W*D*H;mm) : 600×450×680, 38kg- Vacumm heating system(W*D*H;mm) : 400×350×550, 10kg
- Adsorption gas high purity nitrogen, high purity helium (04-type high purity nitrogen and helium mixed gas) - Flow Control P / Po range 0.05 - 0.35 - 0.98 Flow Accuracy 0.01 ml / min- Sample NO: 4 ea - Test Efficiency ▪ Direct comparison measures specific surface area: 5 ~ 8 minutes per sample ▪ BET surface area: 25 minutes per sample ▪ Aperture measurement (12 points): 1.5 hours per sample BET-1point: 0.30 BET-multi point: 0.30, 0.24, 0.18, 0.12, 0.06(5 point)- Pressure Accuracy: ≤±2%- Measuring range: Surface area ≥ 0.01M2/g , above; Pore size 2~ 200 nm - Repeatability: ≤ ±2 %