harvard & panlab
화합물 전처리·분석장비 > 입자분석장비 > 달리 분류되지 않는 입자분석장비
∙ Panlab SMART video tracking system features the most flexible and easy-to-learn software for the automated evaluation of behavior in the widest range of pre-clinical and neuroscience applications.
∙ SMART provides data relevant to problems in basic and clinical psychopharmacology. Applications include phenotype characterization (differences between strains, effect of a genetic modification, etc.) and studying the behavioral effects of pharmacologic substances
∙ Utilizing advanced image analysis, SMART allows the recording of activity, trajectories, events, social interactions, and global activity.
∙ Video-tracking system : 한구역, 한 마리 추적가능, 색체 인식가능, 필터링, 낮/밤 구분 추적
∙ Activity wheel : size (50.24cm), multicounter (up to 30 wheels) including
∙ 5 lane treadmill (for mice) : 벨트 24x5cm
∙ Accelerating rota-rod (for 4 rats or 4 mice) : constant speed : 4~40 RPM
∙ Rotational system : fraction of turn (4~36)
∙ Mice Passive Avoidance Cage : avoidance programmer with shocker & RS232
∙ Provided data
- Summary tables directly exportable to Excel and providing calculation for each user-defined zones and/or time intervals
- Wide variety of standard calculations related to tracking: time/distance/entries in zones, average speed... - Advanced calculations also available: alternation triplet, Whishaw’s error, mean directionality, parallel index, turning tendency, rotations ,rearings...
- Zone transition, global activity and events list reporting the time evolution of specific calculations and distribution of their occurrence
- Track coordinates reports (X,Y,Z)
- Group evolution graphs and Track image exportation