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기관의뢰 직접사용
The MP1763C/MP1764C are 12.5 Gbit/s BERTS (Bit Error Rate Test Set) developed for evaluation and inspection of 10 Gbit/s transmission equipment, modules, and devices.
One MP1763C/MP1764C can cover the band from STM-0/STS-1 to STM-64/STS-192 and can be used with 11 Gbit/s optical submarine transmission.
Today’s demand for transfer of large amounts of data, such as video, over the internet, is resulting in expansion of high-speed transmission circuits and other infrastructure. In addition to the previously used STM-64/OC-192 (9.95328 Gbit/s) standards, we are also seeing use of 10.709225 Gbit/s (OTU-2), which includes FEC coding, as well as 3.125 Gbit/s x 4 and 10.3125 Gbit/s in 10 Gbit Ethernet. Furthermore, the Fibre Channel file transfer protocol at 4.25 Gbit/s is also coming into actual use. As these new standards are settled upon, there is an urgent need to be able to support evaluation of devices and circuits at these higher bit rates.
The MP1763C Pulse Pattern Generator and MP1764C/1764D Error Detector are a BERTS (Bit Error Rate Test Set) supporting evaluation and testing of transmission equipment, high-speed devices, optical modules, etc., at every stage from R&D through to manufacturing and production at speeds from 50 Mbit/s to 12.5 Gbit/s.
◦PulsePattern Generator
- Frequency range : 50 MHz to 12.5 GHz
- Data pattern length : 2 to 8388608 bits
- Error addition : Error rate : 10-n(n:4,5,6,7,8,9), and single error
- Number of Outputs : 2(Data/Data independently)
- Power : ≤400 VA
- Pattern jitter : ≤20 psp-p, typical 10 psp-p
◦ Error Detector
- Operation Frequency Range : 50MHz to 12.5GHz
- Error rate : 0.0000 X 10-16 to 1.0000 X 10-0
- Number of errors : 0 to 9.9999 X 1016
- Error interval(asynchronous) : 0 to 9999999
(interval :1ms, 10ms, 1s)
- Threshold voltage variable range :
-3.000 to +1.875 Vp-p (1 mV steps)